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Meet the Founder - Patricia Samuels

Simply put, Patricia believes in creating mouthwatering meals and drinks. She is passionate about making her food the good old-fashioned way, with love. Samuels wants everyone to share in her memory of her homeland Jamaica and the rich, authentic food that was prepared without pesticides or chemicals. She reminisces about foods being prepared over the open flames outdoors. "Those meals were what we call 'sweet.' Many would say, 'the food is sweet, eeh?' meaning the food was good."

Founder's Story

Born on the island of Jamaica, Patricia was exposed to a wealth of knowledge related to authentic West Indian cuisine. Her mother, Evadney, was well known for her prowess in the kitchen. She owned a small cook shop where people would visit from near and far to sample her food. It was often said God blessed her hands when it came to cooking. Patricia often watched her mother cook on an outdoor wooden stove, using organic ingredients in her recipes.


Her knowledge of good cooking continued when she immigrated to the United States at a young age. Her father, Clive, was well known for his garden. Every summer, he would get organic topsoil and cow manure from Granby, CT. Clive never used any chemicals in his garden and was renowned for his bounty, of which he would share willingly with friends and neighbors. This instilled a love of quality, natural ingredients in all of Patricia’s recipes. Today, she also has a garden that she is very proud of. In fact, that’s where she gets her thyme, scallions, peppers, and tomatoes from!

The Origin of FISH N TINGZ

This company was founded in February of 2021. For years, Patricia has cooked fish for various family functions. Based on feedback from her relatives and friends, she decided to start selling fish on the weekends. On the first weekend, she sold off within 3 hours! Fish N Tingz was born.


Today, Fish N Tingz is a family-run restaurant. Without her family, Patricia acknowledges the restaurant would not be the success it is today.

Bourbon & Honey-Glazed Salmon w_House Salad
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